"In mirrors digged up from the earth I see myself / Lambent upon my childhood fields in wounds" (Inmost Nigredo)
Fan homage to one of the best dark rock bands ever: In Solitude.
As well as to related artistic manifestations.

Friday 11 October 2019

Pre-ordering Reveal!'s "Scissorgod"

So, Reveal!'s third creature comes out on November 29th and die-hard(er) followers as well as collectors of extreme(ly weird) rock music everywhere are eager to pre-order their copy: we'll take a brief recap here then to see what options are out there at the moment.
Of course, the most obvious one is waiting for pre-orders to begin on the Sepulchral Voice Records' webshop, it shouldn't be long now until they put it up on their store, and we still recommend ordering directly from the label.
However, if you are really dying to secure a copy of the creature right now and you can't wait, there are a few alternative options, in fact, some webshops are already taking pre-orders. A list of those we have found so far includes the followings:

- Nuclear Blast: LP - CD
- Saturn: LP - CD
- Media Markt: LP - CD
- Amazon.de: LP - CD

Whether you buy it on vinyl or CD (or both versions, even better), don't forget to perform the initiation rite baptizing it with your own bodily fluids when it arrives, thus effectively bonding eternally with your copy of the debauched divinity called Scissorgod.