"In mirrors digged up from the earth I see myself / Lambent upon my childhood fields in wounds" (Inmost Nigredo)
Website dedicated to one of the best dark rock bands ever: In Solitude.
As well as to related artistic manifestations.

Tuesday 17 October 2023

Footage of Concrete Winds live at Old Grave Fest X, Bucharest

Concrete Winds have brought their manic fury on stage in Bucharest at Old Grave Fest X on Saturday October 14th, 2023 and a couple of videos have appeared on the web.

Of course here we are collecting them for all the aggressive noise maniacs out there who just like us appreciate the unhinged superior level of madness the songs have in the live setting.

Further updates if new footage pops up in the next days.

The first video has been uploaded directly from Club Quantic, the venue who hosted the festival, who streamed the footage as they were playing. Here we have "Noise Trepanation" (ending part only, but damn if it doesn't get gory right away at 00:21) and "Infant Gallow":

The second video is courtesy of YouTube Channel Metal Romania and features: "Sulphuric Upheaval", "Chromium Jaws", "Paroxystic Flagellator" and "Primitive Force".
(!Beware the last song is cut off rather abruptly, but the footage quality is good so we included it anyway. + Might also make for an unintentional nasty tease.)

Updated January 2024: Unexpectedly after some months, a video of Concrete Winds' entire set (!) at Old Grave Fest X has appeared on YouTube, courtesy of Cristian Radulescu: needless to say we are blasting it right now at the loudest possible volume - even louder than usual because this show at OGF sounds even wilder and more bestial, so why not feast upon the madness, let's hope things continue to get even more gruesome in the future but for now ->
Find the entire show here below with the timestamped setlist:

00:01 "Sulphuric Upheaval" (partial)
01:04 "Chromium Jaws"
04:24 "Paroxystic Flagellator"
06:54 "Primitive Force"
09:39 "Flaying Internecine"
13:42 "Dissident Mutilator"
16:42 "Tyrant Pulse"
20:42 "Noise Trepanation"
23:27 "Infant Gallow"
26:12 "Nerve Butcherer"

Upcoming Concrete Winds live trepanations can be found in the Partake section of the website.