"In mirrors digged up from the earth I see myself / Lambent upon my childhood fields in wounds" (Inmost Nigredo)
Website dedicated to one of the best dark rock bands ever: In Solitude.
As well as to related artistic manifestations.

Thursday 14 December 2023

Gallery: Concrete Winds live at Oslo Deathfest - Dec. 2nd, 2023

Aggressive noise tormentors Concrete Winds have recently performed at Oslo Deathfest their last gig of 2023, on December 2nd and courtesy of Thomas Moe Ellefsrud / Buzz Photography we have some photos of their set that convey very well the vitriolic harshness of their live shows.
Hell can be shot in your ears at the speed of rage and that's exactly what you get when they are playing.
We have read quite a few times online people commenting about Concrete Winds sounding even better live than on record: sure enough, as much as we also like their albums a lot, we have to agree with this. They do sound killer on record of course, but in the live setting they deliver like there's no tomorrow and like we have often said in the past too, there's so much more savagery, speed and urgency in their live performances that take indeed everything a step beyond. (Well, they are also tight as fuck which of course is a bonus).
That being said, hopefully for all of us maniacs there will be more chances to see them live in the next year and meanwhile have a look a these moments from Oslo Deathfest - thanks Thomas once again for sending us these shots!
Official links to
Concrete Winds: Facebook - Bandcamp - Records & Merch
Buzz Photography: Instagram
Oslo Deathfest: Facebook - Instagram

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