"In mirrors digged up from the earth I see myself / Lambent upon my childhood fields in wounds" (Inmost Nigredo)
Website dedicated to one of the best dark rock bands ever: In Solitude.
As well as to related artistic manifestations.

Saturday 20 January 2024

Endtime release cover of Massgrav's song "Bl​å​st På Konfekten"

 Apocalyptic doomers Endtime have just unleashed their own version of Massgrav's song "Blåst På Konfekten"!

Endtime have introduced earlier today their cover explaining that:

"Last year the band Massgrav released their album ’Slowly we rock’ (great title, superfast record).  For this they invited a couple of bands to perform Massgrav songs in their own style. Among them, yours truly! So today marks the unleashing of our sonic prophecy! We, the chosen disciples, have harnessed the chaotic energy of Massgrav’s hymn and molded it into our own apocalyptic rendition. Prepare to be consumed by the abyss of our version of the song ’Blåst på konfekten’!"

Indeed, they slowed down the madness to the level of (human) collapse and turned the former high-speed frenzy of the song into their bleak and murky chant of doom: listen to Endtime version of "Blåst På Konfekten" - and find also the original song by Massgrav, here below!

Lyrics: (from Endtime's Bandcamp)
Har du aldrig undrat
Varför du ska betala för deras lyxliv
Har du inte fattat
Du är en lurad jävel
Blåst på konfekten

Blåst - blåst på konfekten
Ditt dumma as du är blåst på konfekten

Du sliter och slavar
Hetsas att förstöra din kropp
Du ödslar din tid
Det är du som betalar
Medan jag ligger hemma å skrattar å slanar

Blåst - blåst på konfekten
Ditt dumma as du är blåst på konfekten

Massgrav's original song:

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