"In mirrors digged up from the earth I see myself / Lambent upon my childhood fields in wounds" (Inmost Nigredo)
Website dedicated to one of the best dark rock bands ever: In Solitude.
As well as to related artistic manifestations.

Tuesday 12 September 2023

WATAIN announce PÅGÅ and Attila Csihar's Void Ov Voices as opening acts to their 25th anniversary show

After selling most tickets in a unbelievable short time, WATAIN have now unveiled the musicians who will open the evenings in Uppsala for their 25th anniversay shows: and what an amazing combination of artists they have invited!

None other than Pelle & Gottfrid Åhman's PÅGÅ is the first special guest announced!, and WATAIN has commented:

"The brothers, also from Uppsala, have shared the road with Watain many times in their old band In Solitude, and since their disbanding they have continued further on their own crooked path, dense with magic, music and mystery. And those things are also what you one might expect from their appearances on November 3rd and 4th."

And we certainly have no doubt that spellbinding and compelling their performance will definitely be!
The second opening act will be Attila Csihar's Void of Voices:

"[...] to further remove us from the mundane world before it is time for Watain to go on stage", has very fittingly explained WATAIN on their statement. "Attila, also he a long time friend and collaborator, is best known from his groundbreaking work as a vocalist in Mayhem and Tormentor, two bands whose influence on Watain and on Black Metal in general, can not be understated."

With such congregation of excellent musicians, it will definitely be an even more otherworldly celebration of all that WATAIN have been bringing across the world in these past 25 years with their music and poetry of the Devil!

Tickets to the first evening have long been sold out, while there are still some remaining to the second evening, they can be purchased on TICKSTER.

 Meanwhile you can listen to PÅGÅ'S music on our dedicated page and to Attila's Void Ov Voices on Bandcamp.